VII. Symbiosis; rendezvous, both, where? when?

Two people in relation to each other can either stand next to each other, sharing no weight, or they can share their weight evenly; lean on each other in equal measure, creating balance. Anything less, and one or both people fall. The first option is safe, distant; nobody is devastatingly hurt if the other walks away. Standing alone next to someone is not too different than standing alone. And yet...the second provides closeness. The ability to bring your heart closer to another's, look into their eyes with enough proximity to differentiate the veins. Feel your spine against another spine. This is symbiosis. It is beautiful, and it is devastating. What happens if one person stops holding? Grows tired of holding the other's weight, and slips away? Both parties feel it. One feels the weight of their own body all at once, newly, and the other shatters to the floor.

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